John Whitaker Copper Bullet Universal Bit

  • - Sick of changing your horse’s bit for various disciplines? Then look no further. The new John Whitaker Universal Bit is the only bit for your horse.

    -  The John Whitaker Universal Bit is the definitive bit to use for any horse.

    - This bit enables a variety of horses to use this bit in different situations.

    - By adjusting the point at which the cheek pieces and reins are attached, determines the strength of the bit itself.

    - The Universal bit comes in five various mouth pieces. Snaffle, bullet, copper bullet, twisted or a softer leather mouth piece.

    - Made from stainless steel

    - More than six ways to use this bit

    The copper lozenge encourages the horse to mouth up more

    - Suitable for all disciplines and everyday riding

    - 5 Point GagBit Copper Bullet Mouth 145mm

    - Available in 5" or 5.5" (135cm or 145mm)


    What is the Universal Bit?


    JWI is proud to introduce the new innovative way to bitting your horse using the John Whitaker Universal bit. This bit allows multiple adaptations and changes to be made in order to create a pleasant experience and the best way to ride. With a variety of attachable points on the cartwheel, this bit is easily changeable and great for horses who react differently in a variety of situations, be it hacking, schooling or competing. Riding is simple with the Universal Bit!


    Why is the Universal Bit different to others?


    We all know that every horse has his own personality and quirky little ways when ridden.


    For example, when competing, your horse can become increasingly strong when excited or stressed compared to being in the comforting surroundings at home. Riders tend to use multiple bits in this situation — one for training and the other for competing. But this is no longer needed with the Universal Bit. By simply adjusting the points at which the cheekpieces and reins are attached to the cartwheel, the strength of the bit is altered.


    There are 3 main points of the bit; the mouthpiece, the snaffle ring and the cartwheel outer — by adjusting the position you can help your horse to find the most comfortable way to work and ease the stress of using multiple bits.


    Which mouthpiece is best for my horse?


    Snaffle mouthpiece: the snaffle is a single jointed mouthpiece with a “nutcracker” action that places pressure on either side of the mouth rather than the tongue.


    Bullet mouthpiece: (also known as a French link): this mouthpiece has a double-jointed action and applies less pressure to the horse’s mouth.


    Copper bullet mouthpiece: (also known as a lozenge French link): the same as the above, but with the copper lozenge in the centre encouraging the horse to ‘mouth up’.


    Leather mouthpiece: with a straight bar, this is a leather covered metal bit with no joints. It applies even pressure to the horse’s mouth, yet the leather adds a softer finish.


    Twisted mouthpiece: a stronger type of bit that has a single jointed action and incorporates the twisted straight bars that add more pressure to the horse’s tongue and points of the mouth.


    How to use the Universal Bit



    JWI bit structureAs shown on the image (right), the cartwheel outer has a selection of points in which the reins and cheekspieces can be attached, changing the pressure on the horse’s poll and mouth.



    For everyday riding and hacking, simply attach the cheekpieces to the widest loop at the top of the image shown and the reins to only the outer snaffle ring. In this position the bit is allowed to move in the horse’s mouth and simply acts as a regular snaffle bit. If you need slightly more control, merely adjust the reins to thread through the snaffle ring and narrow loop this allows the rider more control.





    Cartwheel bitIf you have a horse that is headstrong or crosses his jaw and hollows his back, then rotate the cartwheel outer so that the cheekpieces are attached to the top v-point on the cartwheel and the reins are on the lower v-point loop and snaffle ring; this allows more pressure on to the horse’s poll, while also applying pressure to the side of the horse’s mouth, allowing a stronger contact between you and your horse.



    These are just 2 suggestions of how you can use the bit. For more information simply click on the link below for the brochure page, then click on the Universal Bit image to view the catalogue:


    John Whitaker says: “I have over 50 horses on my yard and being able to remember which bit is for each horse can be difficult, but with the Universal bit I can use it on any horse.


    “What I like about this bit is that it is easy to change and adapt to any horse or rider’s needs.”